67 X 39 CM

Oil painting, canvas.

Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art

Abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible, to extract the infinite out of the finite. It gives you the freedom to explore the artist`s inspiration.


100 X 81 CM

Oil painting, canvas.


53 X 29 CM

Oil painting, canvas, plastic frame ( 61 X 38 CM ).


67 X 29 CM

Oil painting, canvas, plastic frame ( 75 X 37 CM ).

The emotion

Art could be possible without lines, but not without a heart.


65 X 54 CM

Mix media, oil painting, blue mussels, seashells, canvas.


70 X 50 CM

Mix media, oil painting, blue mussels, seashells, canvas.

Texture in art

Everything has some type of texture. We describe things as being rough, smooth, silky, shiny, fuzzy, and so on. Some things feel just as they appear; this is called real or actual texture.


116 X 73 CM

Oil painting, canvas.


110 X 84 CM

Oil painting, canvas.


55 X 46 CM

Oil painting, board.


50 X 32 CM

Oil painting, board. plastic frame ( 63 X 45 CM ).


70 X 50 CM

Oil painting, canvas. plastic frame ( 84 X 64 CM ).